Utah Recognized as the Best Managed State in the Nation

Utah Recognized as the Best Managed State in the Nation

Utah Receives Highest Grade in National State Management Report Card

Salt Lake City - The State of Utah has been named the best managed state in the nation, based on the most authoritative and respected review of States, the Pew Center on States' 2008 report. Utah's top spot with the highest grade point average is an improvement over the State's previous No. 2 ranking.

"Utah taxpayers are definitely getting the best bang for their buck," Governor Huntsman said. "We continue to work like never before to cross boundaries in state government to create an infrastructure that is effective and efficient."

Utah received the only solid 'A' in money management, thanks to a cooperative and proactive approach in dealing with state financial issues.

"Utah is a very good example of a state whose strong focus on making sound financial decisions is paying dividends for its citizens," said Susan Urahn, managing director of the Pew Center on the States, of which the Grading Performance Project is a part. "Utah is thinking about the future in all its decisions-from the maintenance of state-owned buildings to its employees' post-retirement health care-all to ensure that the state's critical work for the public gets done."

"This honor isn't based on a single decision, but a culture of fiscal responsibility and prudent innovation, said Senate President John Valentine. "It's the boring work that pays the bills. Utah's officials work quietly but diligently to maintain a standard of excellence and it's nice to see the state get some recognition for those efforts. Top notch fiscal management is a team effort."

"We work well together between the legislative and executive branch and there is a spirit of cooperation," said House Speaker Greg Curtis. "We strive to do what's best for the citizens of the State of Utah."

Utah was also recognized for its performance management. The State's recent balance scorecard initiative and performance website, http://performance.utah.gov, promote continuous improvement and greater transparency in state government.

The Grading the States 2008 Report's findings are developed in partnership with Governing Magazine.